Tag: Vacation

  • Boxing Day

    The day after Christmas has often been a bit of a let down, but this year our plans kept us ramped up. We were going on our fun family vacation, just because. The kids could hardly wait while we packed, almost equivalently excited as they were the night Santa was on his way After a…

  • July 1st 2019

    July 1st 2019

    Another summer is finally here And with it the smell of campfire My children shriek As they run around Gangs of kids on bikes In twos, and threes, and fours They play until the sun falls behind the water if we would only allow it And grumble at bedtime Even though it’s hours after their…

  • Sunday Goals and the weather

    I slept until 5:30 today. I did of course, wake up at 3 when my little one started to snore, Trying to beat the band, But through some miracle, (likely called exhaustion) I went back to sleep until 530. So of course, When I woke up the level of fatigue was much worse than a…

  • Home


    The relief I feel is deep and washes over me A wave on the shore of home I’m exhausted Yet enriched While in need of my bed, I’m so proud of my children Who were amazing again As we woke early and drove until supper Although occasionally one would break down, They handled the day…

  • Sisterhood


    My first full day of conference. For the first time in ten years, I was riveted in my chair by every speaker. I felt the power of the amazing women presenters. I cried with joy and sadness I felt enriched by the wisdom of others who were older and wiser, As well as those who…

  • June the 5th

    June the 5th

    I realized halfway through today that I was off work on Friday. And on Monday! For the first time in ages, I’ve planned a conference that is about being a well person. Technically it is work related, and I’ll get credit, but I expect to see a few familiar faces and others who I feel…

  • Goals for forty

    Goals for forty

    I’m back to the time of year where I start to make lists of my goals. Many people do this at New Years, and I do sometimes as well. But this time of year, when I’ve completed another revolution around the sun, makes me take stock of where I am and where I’d like to…

  • Daydreaming


    The rush of the wind on my face, The spray of salt on the sun The froth is the water swirls around my feet Finally, my work is done Every day I tell myself this is it, I’ll take a break, a vacation, for real But instead I continue, head down, Shoulder hard against the…

  • Cabin fever

    Cabin fever

    I’m not quite sure when I started this blog. I remember it was March, but I don’t know if it was the beginning or the end. So, to ensure that I achieve my goal of one full year, I’ll go above and beyond by aiming for the end of the month. The thought of “what…

  • New Years intentions

    New Years intentions

    It’s the second day of the year, and I already have serious reservations about the list of “intentions” I’ve come up with for 2018. So far, it looks like I need to find about six more hours per day to accomplish my list. With that extra time, I should be able to work a solid…