Boxing Day

The day after Christmas has often been a bit of a let down, but this year our plans kept us ramped up.

We were going on our fun family vacation, just because.

The kids could hardly wait while we packed, almost equivalently excited as they were the night Santa was on his way

After a long drive we got to our hotel, across the street from West Edmonton Mall and ate before half of us decided to walk over for a look-see at what was happening.

So quickly the unexpected hit us,

lifting me up as I clutched the oldest’s and youngest’s hands in shock.

A truck turning right on a red,

somehow failed to see us crossing in the pedestrian corridor, with the little walking man lighting the way.

Two screaming and crying kids,

as I failed to process my own pain and moved the oldest out of the road while dragging the youngest out from under the tire of the truck.

I told myself it was okay, it’s just his leg, we’ve been through worse.

He clung to me like a baby monkey, climbing higher as his tears tracked down his face. “L

“I don’t like that truck, it’s a bad, bad truck!”

I calmed them down as best as I could, got the driver to call 911 and called my husband.

The fire trucks came first,

then the paramedics,

and the police.

We took a ride to the hospital with nitrox for the pain, his leg splinted- crushed?- until we arrived and were ushered into the trauma room.

He was so brave, so funny;

learning the machine and the X-rays, making everyone laugh at chocolate being his favourite vegetable.

(He is his daddy’s boy!)

Relief at the normal imaging, even though he limped out, now scared to cross the road, for very legitimate reasons.

Gratitude for all the staff and helpers along the way, and for friends who stepped up to the plate.

And we returned to three worried faces that were so wonderful to see.

Hopefully tomorrow, we can make some better memories to replace the terror of today’s.