Tag: reading

  • The descent of Tuesday

    The descent of Tuesday

    I meant to write yesterday I did But already, The weight of my own expectations has me spinning a little, Tilting in the winds of responsibility like a small weathervane on the roof, with the storm approaching. Maybe it’s the quiet of the early morning, the sound of the clock on the wall ticking out…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Two week wrap up

    Two week wrap up

    For the first time in well over a year, my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page. My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full…

  • Wednesday warrior

    Wednesday warrior

    I did it. My first step in cleaning out the small and ever enlarging horde of books I sleep beside began today. I finished one, and moved it to another shelf, across the room. It may not seem like that much, but when the rest of the week sometimes has no end in sight, and…

  • A Wrinkle in Time

    A Wrinkle in Time

    Tonight I saw Wrinkle in time. It was everything and nothing like I remembered it, the book that started me on my path to reading and writing. We all have THE BOOK that touched us. The first book we remember. My two are One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, and A Wrinkle in…

  • The love of reading

    The love of reading

    We read almost every night. Part of it is for their school work, part of it is to pass down what I remember from when I was a child. Every night, we would lay in bed and have a night time story read to us. It sparked my curiosity for the world around me in…