A Wrinkle in Time

Tonight I saw Wrinkle in time.

It was everything and nothing like I remembered it, the book that started me on my path to reading and writing.

We all have THE BOOK that touched us.

The first book we remember.

My two are One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, and A Wrinkle in Time.

The former was the very first book I could read. But the first book I remember diving into, experiencing, loving, was the latter.

Finally, a book with a girl so much like me. Someone I could relate to. Someone smart, but an outsider. Someone full of anger, love, grief.

A real girl with real problems. An average person who somehow overcame the challenges they were faced with through strength of character and perseverance.

I was maybe nine or ten at the time, but every word Madeline L’Engle wrote wrapped itself into my mind. I devoured every book she’d written, then found other authors that also spoke to me.

Piers Anthony, Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey, and so many more.

Whenever life became too painful, too awkward, or too boring, my books were always there, waiting to take me away from my problems and fly away to a foreign land.

Tonight’s movie took me back to that time of discovery and magic. To a place where anything is possible if you just believe in yourself.

The imagination is a wonderful place to visit. This movie fills the mind with the magic and beauty of childhood and the power of being perfectly yourself.

So it may not be exactly what I remember, but I can’t wait to share it with my children when they are a little bit older, so that they, too, can discover the magic of the mind.