Two week wrap up

For the first time in well over a year,

my folder for the month is almost empty. This is only the third time this month when I’ve sat down to spill my thoughts into the virtual page.

My brain and soul have been almost too heavy, like the feeling you get when you’re too full to breathe;

Tight inside.

Yearning to go back and prevent the painful overload.

It’s been a mixture of the good and the bad

since November began.

The bad- the tail end of strep throat, leading into the chocolate holiday season.

Stuffed, and tired, and behind on my to-do list.

I’d like to chuck that thing as far as I can,

but I haven’t figured out how to keep duties

from piling up high again.

Then, once I began to feel almost human,

A “vacation” of sorts.

A full on conference,

the first one that I can remember attending every session for since I was an eager resident,

worried I’d miss something or worse—get a scolding.

But every inch of this conference reminded me of where I belong. I felt at home there, with my people, the ones who live in their heads and in their words,

Who play movies on the page for others to enjoy,

who become excited when they find out someone has enjoyed something they created from their thoughts.

But too little sleep and an already weak immune system and my body aches again. Sore throat, fatigue, and eight pm is calling my name.

Oh, how I wish sleep was an elective instead of an essential!

Maybe then I’d have time to get to everything.

But for now, my bed calls and my cat watches me suspiciously.

I can almost hear him saying “never trust anyone who doesn’t want to sleep”

Well played George, well played.

Here’s a list for you to look at while I go lay down over there.