Tag: family vacation

  • Panacea

    Monday on vacation, brisk and sunny, coffee for me to wake up and enjoy my day. A day made more pleasant with the arrival of old friends.  We whiled away the morning as though time had never passed, made plans to get together soon, each of us stunned to realize seven years and more had…

  • Everyday holiday 

    My first full day off work, No calls, No paperwork. I can’t remember the last time that happened,  and feel vaguely confused that it did today. I walked to the corner Starbucks and accidentally got the full sugar peppermint mocha, along with gingerbread, egg and cheese sandwiches and cranberry bliss bars.  A seventy dollar smorgasbord and…

  • Little big things 

    Another Saturday spent on the road and working. Learning to be better, to understand more,  to improve, always. And when I returned to the house we are staying at, I was greeted with excitement.  I planned a fun afternoon of park then bath and hot chocolate. All the things small children love in one day. …

  • Lack of sleep and learning 

    There doesn’t seem to be a set amount of coffee that will work for a bad nights sleep, unfortunately.Trying to get three wired kids to bed in a new environment is a challenge,  but when you’re already sleep deprived it’s even more irritating. Finally by 11 pm they stopped making noise, which was nice. But…

  • Three kids on a plane

    Today, I braved an airport with three children six and under, with a husband in pain and medicated from a bad tooth. It was delightful in so many ways! But let me back up. So I worked like a person trying to have a heart attack all week long, I squeezed an extra five people…

  • The Great Vacation- Part 3

    The Ol’homestead Our first full day back at the place where I grew up.  My little dude had spent the night scratching in his sleep while I gently and repeatedly moved him back from the edge of the bed. He’s a vigorous sleeper, and often came dangerously close to falling off. He woke first, as…

  • The Great Vacation- Part 2

    Day two of the Great Vacation began with the sound of rain on the roof. It had poured all night, and in between fear that my youngest would fall out of bed (using my legs as a gate as prevention) and listening to the rhapsody of people snoring, I was able to enjoy most of…