Lack of sleep and learning 

There doesn’t seem to be a set amount of coffee that will work for a bad nights sleep, unfortunately.Trying to get three wired kids to bed in a new environment is a challenge, 

but when you’re already sleep deprived it’s even more irritating.

Finally by 11 pm they stopped making noise, which was nice. But then my old lady body started to complain about the hardness of the bed.


So after sneaking out of the air bnb at the equivalent of 5 am Alberta time, I headed to learn things. Important things. And needed many many coffees to stay awake.

I came back to a quiet house. Everyone napping except me, but they soon woke up. I had felt bad for the neighbours last night until I heard them during the day. 

It just so happened that our rental was right beside a playground. 

So I tried to run the kids around enough to hopefully sleep later, got some Greek take out and had a great visit with an old friend who had me sign her book- my first signing!

Tomorrow more learning, then the family vacation begins in earnest! And pray for sleep. Please.