Tag: dreams

  • The mountains 

    Moments are fleeting and few. Born on the wind’s back,  through clouds of slate blue that pierce every crack. Today we played in the rain as it turned into snow,  cold hands on a swing chain Children cold, but ready to go The mountains covered in white So solid and true Fresh air blowing my…

  • Gord

    I was 38 years old when I heard the news. A part of my youth,  the years of discovery for my generation,  The Hip were the soundtrack to my teens and twenties. They were on every radio station, CanCon,  but actually worth it. I remember the roadside attraction mosh pit,  decking the person trying to steal…

  • New arrival 

    A new day. Like any other,  except for those that come  before and after. A slight change,  by degree if not design, suddenly the world is changed, richer? One more creation in the world,  it will ascend to a place on my shelf, In my heart, Maybe touch another on its way? My paperback newborn

  • Golden

    I feel so complete today. Overwhelmed with joy, Full of gratitude.  The circle of life In the world around me. The sun on golden trees, Scent of fall in the air My child’s soft curls On my shoulder, Warm in the late afternoon. My love beside me, As perfect as at the beginning. My creation…

  • Launch

    Seventeen days left.  I haven’t slept well in over a week, and I realize now,  a little too late,  that I should not be doing a preorder for my own sanity. My first launch.  It feels a little like waiting to see my baby for the first time. What will they be like? Will they…

  • Glorious day

    Today was a full and busy day. My beautiful little girl turned five, and dressed herself in sequins and jewelry befitting her princess status. She twirled and smiled, pleased that it was her special day and not a tear was seen, even when her brother hit her with her new Barbie.  I was very impressed.…

  • Recreate 

    Sometimes you have to start fresh, explore what you want from the world. Get away, and see the world through new eyes, as though each thing you encounter is unknown. When things get stale and  your groove  becomes a rut  which becomes a hole,  It’s time to start climbing until you can see daylight again.…

  • Early morning musings

    I’ve been waking up around 4am for the last week. A combination of a busy mind and butterflies in my heart, I think.  So much happening in the world around me, I just feel overwhelmed at times, and I think my subconscious needs a break from all the processing and restocking of shelves that happens…

  • Grabbing The Brass Ring 

    Today is the day! I’m feeling motivated, ready to begin, and even like I may sit down and try to organize myself.  To do what you may ask? To live my dream, that’s what I’ll be totally honest- I’m already living the dream. I love my kids, my husband, family and friends, and my job…

  • Quill 

    It’s late at night, and I think about my dreams I’d love to fly around the world,  to experience all the riches it has to offer, Dive into the deepest ocean, Climb to base camp at Everest and stand in awe at Chomolungma, draped in clouds  I want to meet people from around the world, …