Early morning musings

I’ve been waking up around 4am for the last week. A combination of a busy mind and butterflies in my heart, I think. 

So much happening in the world around me, I just feel overwhelmed at times, and I think my subconscious needs a break from all the processing and restocking of shelves that happens while we sleep.

I have a penchant for random thoughts and one of those is wondering about the world of sleep. 

How much of it is simply the firing of dendrites and noise of neurons, and how much is the work of a higher being? 

Dreams are fascinating. 

I’ve always had vivid ones, and one has stuck with me since my teen years, working it’s way into a full length novel. 

Actually, pieces of a few have made their way, which is why the title Dream of darkness is so fitting.

I wonder if people will enjoy my story the way I have, but the closer it gets to being reality, the more I worry.

Will the world love my baby the way I do? Or will it be cast aside to wilt? I dream of success and failure, and everything in between, but still I hesitate. 

So close to launching, and yet….