Tag: dreams

  • Communal space

    Communal space

    I lay in the bed I remember from so many years ago, listening to the soft sounds of my little one falling asleep. He went quietly tonight, without a whimper after becoming more and more wound up playing games with Pop-Pop. It was as if all the batteries ran out at once, and he gave…

  • Purpose


    Pulled towards the light Caught in a tractor beam Each step one towards That which is inevitable A calling like none other Driven to duty Determined and unyielding Every day another day closer Infinity awaits

  • Night on golden pond

    Night on golden pond

    Golden night falls, Silent on the mirrored glass Branches sway in the breeze Haunting sounds caught, And into the darkness pass

  • Legends

    What does it mean to be a legend? We all know the stories of people and places, memories of our collective past that are told, retold Whether of vampires and goblins, or people larger than life. Holidays are part of that, and we all celebrate our own. Santa, The twelve nights, Dias de los muertes,…

  • Sleepyhead

    His halo shines Angelic in the light Saintly is his sleeping face, Quietly breathing in the night. He fell asleep with a little gasp Fighting to the last Now I sit here silently, until alertness has past. My little boy, My bright small one I love you more each day, my little man, my sun.

  • Sunday afternoon and the Christmas tree

    Today was full of events, big and small, good and bad. It was a full Sunday of everyday moments. I snuggled my little guy as he woke up, at 5 am today, and somehow convinced him to come to the garage while I exercised. He was still tired I think, likely why it was successsful.…

  • Saturday morning

    I’m really feeling my age today. Stuff and creaky when I got up, I padded around getting the couch ready for my early morning riser. Never sleeping past six am on days when I’m home, he opens his door slowly and I hear him call for me. Carrying his favorite blue blanket, he sits on…

  • Choices

    One way lies the steady, the tried and the true Each day lined up, you know what to do The other way there be monsters Potentially awaiting. Or could there be glory, forever unabating Which direction to go, the question remains Both could incur loss, as the other one reigns So listen to your heart…

  • Monday morning dreaming

    There’s a bite in the air today, although the weather is warmer than it was. Something about the end of November makes me long for a warm blanket and a fireplace. Especially on a Monday, I often wish I could call in sick, lay on the couch all day and devour book after book, looking…

  • Underdog

    Each day is a struggle to get to the middle, but battered and bruised, he never falters. Pushing, fighting, scratching and climbing, struggle is all that she knows. It’s not about the win, it’s about the journey, never giving up, never giving in. He’s every hero we’ve ever aspired to be, not the one born…