Wintery Wednesday

Winter has arrived

With semi trucks jackknifed

On my way to work

I drive my Prius with summer tires

And wait for the other shoe to drop.

But the sky is startlingly blue

And the sun shines so bright

It feels like yesterday

when the snow finally melted

and let the grass grow

Yet here it is again

The ice dragon

waiting to pounce

And control me in its frigid trap

But inside

I’m far too warm

The heaters are blasting

as the coats and boots and scarfs arrive

Ready to battle

against the weather all over again

I forgot to say goodbye to summer,

I hardly had a chance to say hello

I’ll promise to make more time next year

And I’ll remind myself

When I’m caught

In January’s icy grip

to plan a vacation for next year

when the wind brings the snow

and I’m homesick for spring