Tag: driving

  • Wintery Wednesday

    Wintery Wednesday

    Winter has arrived With semi trucks jackknifed On my way to work I drive my Prius with summer tires And wait for the other shoe to drop. But the sky is startlingly blue And the sun shines so bright It feels like yesterday when the snow finally melted and let the grass grow Yet here…

  • When relatives go viral

    When relatives go viral

    The gastro has again left our house in peace, but in its wake it’s less impressive but just as irritating sister, the head cold, has arrived and made its presence know. I can hardly wait until back to school begins and the rest of the relatives come for a visit. The joys of having 3…

  • The Great Vacation- Part 2

    Day two of the Great Vacation began with the sound of rain on the roof. It had poured all night, and in between fear that my youngest would fall out of bed (using my legs as a gate as prevention) and listening to the rhapsody of people snoring, I was able to enjoy most of…