Tag: motivation

  • Acceptance


    Driving to work this morning I was struck by the simple beauty of the sunrise. I never seem able to capture the beauty, either in pictures or in words and for that I feel simultaneously sad and and all odds by what nature can provide. For some reason, that inability cause me to think about…

  • January 31st Present

    January 31st Present

    I left my jacket in the car this afternoon when I returned to work. It felt strange, on the last day of what is traditionally the coldest month To be walking outside in a three-quarter length jacket and tank top, and yet I did. On my drive later that same day, the brown of last…

  • Ode to the road

    Ode to the road

    Sometimes I think I live in my car from point a to point B no matter how far. The sound of the road repetitive and dull strangely is my time relax in its lull. No matter the distance I always enjoy whether by myself, Or with my girls and my boy The road is my…

  • Ode to the road

    Ode to the road

    Sometimes I think I live in my car from point a to point B no matter how far. The sound of the road repetitive and dull strangely is my time relax in its lull. No matter the distance I always enjoy whether by myself, Or with my girls and my boy The road is my…

  • Blue moon Monday

    Blue moon Monday

    They say it’s Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year. My eyes have been dragging all day long; I wonder if it could have something to do with that. More than likely it’s related to my lack of sleep over the past few nights. I should’ve slept, there was no reason why not, but…

  • Blue moon Monday

    Blue moon Monday

    They say it’s Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year. My eyes have been dragging all day long; I wonder if it could have something to do with that. More than likely it’s related to my lack of sleep over the past few nights. I should’ve slept, there was no reason why not, but…

  • On the precipice of sleep

    On the precipice of sleep

    Gentle exhales greet my ears; Whistles, grunts, and snores. Above and beside me, The sounds of life abound From the children I adore Although the day was full, A break from stress and toil, It is the simple things which most Ease the weary soul I close my eyes and drift away, Listening as life’s…

  • On the precipice of sleep

    On the precipice of sleep

    Gentle exhales greet my ears; Whistles, grunts, and snores. Above and beside me, The sounds of life abound From the children I adore Although the day was full, A break from stress and toil, It is the simple things which most Ease the weary soul I close my eyes and drift away, Listening as life’s…

  • The descent of Tuesday

    The descent of Tuesday

    I meant to write yesterday I did But already, The weight of my own expectations has me spinning a little, Tilting in the winds of responsibility like a small weathervane on the roof, with the storm approaching. Maybe it’s the quiet of the early morning, the sound of the clock on the wall ticking out…

  • Sunday Goals and the weather

    I slept until 5:30 today. I did of course, wake up at 3 when my little one started to snore, Trying to beat the band, But through some miracle, (likely called exhaustion) I went back to sleep until 530. So of course, When I woke up the level of fatigue was much worse than a…