Tag: collaboration

  • No is a complete sentence

  • Lights

    In a room with a thousand light bulbs One by one They turn on The light is blinding With its simple glow When only a handful appear Will I survive A full illumination? Am I ready To brave such a clear world? With trembling, tentative steps I stand on the stage And chin held high, […]

  • Making a molehill

    I looked at my schedule for the week with a groan. It seemed at first glance to be an insurmountable journey, the Mount Everest Of responsibilities. I closed my eyes and shook my head, unable to comprehend that I would be able to get through it. Then I sighed, and broke it down, one thing […]

  • Giants

    I didn’t write yesterday. I thought about it, at least once an hour or so. But then instead, I found myself living, laughing and crying at talks given by insightful, amazing women with so much to share, Such wisdom and such humour. I’ve always thought that wit is something you can’t fake. You can study […]

  • Sisterhood

    My first full day of conference. For the first time in ten years, I was riveted in my chair by every speaker. I felt the power of the amazing women presenters. I cried with joy and sadness I felt enriched by the wisdom of others who were older and wiser, As well as those who […]

  • Back to reality

    Back to work today. Strangely exuberant about it,Leaving my house and all its denizens behind, In my car with my tea,  just me and the open road,  a podcast, and a snack, on my way back to being a useful, productive member of society.  I was surprised by the level of relief I felt.  I […]

  • Collaboration

    On a day like today I find myself struck by how different a day can be depending on the circumstances with which it unfolds. One day can be stressful,  dramatic or traumatic,  leave one feeling exhausted and overwhelmed,  alone and against the odds. The same day with people around you helping goes by fast,  everyone […]