Tag: children

  • Grabbing The Brass Ring 

    Today is the day! I’m feeling motivated, ready to begin, and even like I may sit down and try to organize myself.  To do what you may ask? To live my dream, that’s what I’ll be totally honest- I’m already living the dream. I love my kids, my husband, family and friends, and my job…

  • A Mother’s prayer

    Keep them safe and happy, help teach them right from wrong. Deliver us from toddlers, Lord,  and teenagers as well Ensure they do not torture or traumatize the youngest excessively, Nor forget the middle at all. Please make the oldest helpful, obedient and productive, And move out when they turn eighteen. Please give them health…

  • A date with my daughter 

    I woke to the noise of my child.  The youngest is always up first, and was so happy to see me he launched himself into my arms. Within minutes, the other two came downstairs, waiting for the signal, which was likely noise of any kind.  We sat on the couch, all three taking turns talking…

  • Foggy

    Today felt like it should have been a foggy day. I started off feeling like my vision was blurrry, which lasted the whole day but I forgot about it as I grew accustomed.  Like a pair of dirty glasses that you only notice when you take them off. I felt every inch of my age,…

  • The middle

    Always stuck between others, desperately wanting to shine.  Between a child with more knowledge and ability, and a younger, cuter version. I watch my princess with compassion, knowing the burden she bears. Not the baby, not the first, she feels invisible at times, searching for the love and attention she so craves I remember that…

  • July 31st

    The last day of July is here. I would say finally, but the truth is, I feel like it was May a minute ago.  It also feels like this happens more and more often now that I have children, and I’m not sure why. Could it be the fact sleep deprivation makes you forgetful? That…

  • The Pest

    Sometimes it’s frustrating to have a sibling And by sometimes, I mean almost always The pick, they push, they nag, they whine Getting closer to the last nerve, all of the time They always want the same things, never share Never give the first turn, never want to do my game I don’t even know…

  • The Great Vacation- Part 2

    Day two of the Great Vacation began with the sound of rain on the roof. It had poured all night, and in between fear that my youngest would fall out of bed (using my legs as a gate as prevention) and listening to the rhapsody of people snoring, I was able to enjoy most of…

  • The white pyjamas 

    Tonight I put him in a silky white onesie,  with Winnie the poo and tiger too My favourite pyjamas, He was so soft, my little kitty. He gave me big hugs, Looking so edible in his little boy delight, pleased with how handsome he was.  Strutting like a prize fighter, shoulders back, head up high…

  • Legacy

    Bombarded with soft projectiles upon entering the house, Tears over who gets first dibs,  barely mollified by promises to  leave and return, All for “first hug” priviledges I watch as my Boy talks  to a piece of cheese, hanging it up with a beep The Girls fighting over who gets to talk,  again  Stop interrupting…