July 31st

The last day of July is here. I would say finally, but the truth is, I feel like it was May a minute ago. 

It also feels like this happens more and more often now that I have children, and I’m not sure why.

Could it be the fact sleep deprivation makes you forgetful? That pesky substandard nocturnal revival?

Sleep, I still love you. Come back, and I promise I’ll never take you for granted again.

Or maybe it’s because the level of “busy” for a single person is so eclipsed by the needs of a family of six, the days can’t keep up with the speed I’m moving?

I look back on my stress levels ten years ago, and I’m jealous. I didn’t know how good I had it. 

Now I’m responsible for all these lives, at home and work, 

and I humbly beg forgiveness from the diety that I berated, begged and cajoled back then

But regardless of how I feel, here we are again, more than halfway through another year. 

I take this time to reflect on 2017, try to imprint it somewhere in the memory vault while smelling the soft curls of my son as he begins to get dreamy. 

And I hope the rest of the year passes quickly, joyfully, 

And lingers in the corners forever