Sun day beach day

Another Sunday family fun day

A long drive for a slice of fun

Beach and family

Rolled into one

The sun was shining

The air was warm

Not even a cloud

Dared ruin the day’s charm

Kids splashed and played

Having a blast together

Even the adults

appreciated the weather

I diligently applied

Sun block by the gallon

I love the sun but

I’m whiter than Jimmy Fallon

In the end we all walked away-

Or should I say dance?

Family fun was achieved

We accepted our chance 🙂

2 Responses to “Sun day beach day”

    • Oh no! Well no playing in the water then, but I do love a good thunderstorm. The smells and the power of nature’s beauty are on full display and remind me how small we are in comparison, which I find grounding. (No pun intended haha!)