My incredible Sunday

Today was a full family day.

We decided to attempt a family movie,

hoping for the best

and not at all prepared for the worst.

It was The Incredibles,

which I thought would capture the attention

of each of the kids,

youngest to oldest,

So we took a deep breath,

said a quick prayer

for guidance/patience/luck,

And took them to the movies.

70 dollars of food later,

the kids each had a hotdog,

a drink,

popcorn and candy,

while I began to clean the trail

we were leaving behind

for all the woodland creatures to eat.

So far, so good.

What’s a little mess, after all?

Then the movie started.

We got through the previews,

we got through the intro.

And then my kid took off his shoes and socks

and started dancing.

I wrestled him back down

once, twice, three times

before the middle one had to go potty,

so we went.

I let him run wild in the arcade

for ten or twenty minutes,

then tried it again.


This time, we lost his socks completely.

They may be in my purse at work tomorrow,

or the movie theatre will be very surprised

with their garbage today,

but either way,

We walked out with no socks.

This time,

I took my purse and youngest to Walmart nearby.

If I wasn’t going to see the movie,

at least I could get my errands done.

We had just finished shopping when the movie finished, and returned home in time to have the required nap.

He napped for 2.5 hours,

which was a Sunday miracle.

I cleaned the kitchen,

did the laundry

and arranged the paperwork on my desk

into a vague semblance of order

that works for me

(but not my accountant)

Then we went to visit friends for the evening,

and performed so many clothing changes

due to sprinklers and squirt guns

I felt that I was at a runway show.

I hosed them down at home

an hour past their bedtime,

then collapsed myself.

Full, tired and possibly burnt,

I’m grateful not only for such a memorable day,

but also because I’m only working

a half-day tomorrow.

And the next time we try this movie thing,

it will be next summer.

2 Responses to “My incredible Sunday”

  1. Hey mama, wonderful job being flexible! Not easy with various ages. For one of those nights when you need a laugh, get the movie when it comes to Redbox or Netflix. Went with my husband and our two guys and I laughed the loudest:)