Late night with my thoughts

Night falls late in my home,

My body droops and I sigh

So much running through my head

As another day goes by

I wonder if I forgot

To cross my i’s and dot my t’s

And wonder if I remembered

To give enough thanks and please

Another month is ending,

Another week almost through

And sooner than I realize

Another year is gone again, too

I try to keep them open

But my eyes have other plans

They remind that it’s time to rest,

On sleep it’s time to chance

So as my eyelids flutter shut

I say a little prayer

That if I wasn’t perfect

Make sure they know I cared

2 Responses to “Late night with my thoughts”

  1. I can relate to this, Heather. My past when I worked outside the home. If you need prayers as you go through your book marketing or any reason, please feel free to email me. And a congrats! I guess we are not yet connected on Facebook, but I read your post about your release xo