Half day Monday

I love half day mondays!

This summer I decided

that instead of taking a bunch of time off

I was going to try to shorten my work week,

Weather and responsibilities permitting.

This is the first week where I’ve felt what that means,

And so far, I’m digging it.

This week,

I worked only Monday afternoon.

So while my work day finished at the same time,

I started at one.

Those 4 extra hours meant

all kinds of amazing things happened.

I caught up on paperwork,

I published a new short story,

After editing and revising and formatting it

today as well.

I scheduled my week,

And felt a weight drop off.

When noon rolled around

and I remembered where I was

I was shocked at how quickly and efficiently

the time went

Without any interruptions.

While I may have the rest of the week to go,

this Monday started out wonderfully,

and I’m looking forward

to the rest of the summer going as well.

Here’s to half day Monday’s

and Friday’s

(once in awhile, at least!)

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