A fork in the map

Today is the first day I’ve written in my journal in over a week. I’ve thought about writing in it every day in passing, but other obligations kept intruding, and I packed the thought away,

“for later”

And now tonight, I open the blank pages and stare at June the 4th, the last time I’ve written.

So many things have changed in a week, and yet, everything is the same. I still wake up early to have a chance to be alone, I still feel like a branch swept away in the rushing whitewaters of spring.

But the past week has perhaps brought a sense of clarity,



In a way that other, similar weeks have not.

I’m still mulling over concepts that I needed to hear at the moment I heard them, still thinking of ways to simplify my life, to build another hour into the day.

Tonight I was frustrated by my howler monkeys screeching each time they wanted my attention, which felt incessant and irritating.

Then miraculously, I was able to stop, throw back my shoulders and take a deep breath, then let it go instead of snapping.

Let it all go.

The stress from work, the never ending to-do list that adds three things for everything that I remove.

I breathed out my list of obligations and listened.

To my children who at that moment needed their mommy to listen to their wonderful mind.

I listened to my body, tired and ready for bed.

I listened to my dreams which tell me which direction I need to steer my ship.

My map has been redrawn in a different path from where it was a week ago.

My journey is just beginning.

2 Responses to “A fork in the map”

  1. Sounds like Jesus at work. Heather, I can relate in many ways, though I currently do not hold a 9a-5p job outside the home. You are an inspiration to me, creating continuously in and out of busy.