Month: January 2019

  • January 31st Present

    January 31st Present

    I left my jacket in the car this afternoon when I returned to work. It felt strange, on the last day of what is traditionally the coldest month To be walking outside in a three-quarter length jacket and tank top, and yet I did. On my drive later that same day, the brown of last…

  • Sunshine and shadows

    Sunshine and shadows

    We’re born, we suffer, we die. Listening to 21st-century creative, a new podcast I discovered through a different one when another writer whose opinion I value mentioned it was one of their favorites. A story within a story within a story? Either way, an interview with a British journalist turned author put me into an…

  • Disquietude


    It sits on my chest purring with pleasure I’m not sure how huge it is but it feels beyond measure perhaps it’s imagination making it seem bigger each day or perhaps it’s because there’s more in my way It’s becoming a friend Although not a great one it’s bigger at bad times but also there…

  • Ode to the road

    Ode to the road

    Sometimes I think I live in my car from point a to point B no matter how far. The sound of the road repetitive and dull strangely is my time relax in its lull. No matter the distance I always enjoy whether by myself, Or with my girls and my boy The road is my…

  • Ode to the road

    Ode to the road

    Sometimes I think I live in my car from point a to point B no matter how far. The sound of the road repetitive and dull strangely is my time relax in its lull. No matter the distance I always enjoy whether by myself, Or with my girls and my boy The road is my…

  • Blue moon Monday

    Blue moon Monday

    They say it’s Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year. My eyes have been dragging all day long; I wonder if it could have something to do with that. More than likely it’s related to my lack of sleep over the past few nights. I should’ve slept, there was no reason why not, but…

  • Blue moon Monday

    Blue moon Monday

    They say it’s Blue Monday, the saddest day of the year. My eyes have been dragging all day long; I wonder if it could have something to do with that. More than likely it’s related to my lack of sleep over the past few nights. I should’ve slept, there was no reason why not, but…

  • Little cat feet

    Little cat feet

    Carl Sandburg was the one who said, “The fog rolls in on little cat feet.” Every time the fog covers the earth, I’m reminded of his words. It’s soft, silent, and yet immovable. It coats the world with mystery, makes me wonder if this is what it’s like, to carve out moments alone, unbothered by…

  • January 14th

    January 14th

    Another Monday almost gone sitting at a red light, I consider the dawn. Thoughts are spinning in my head, of things I did, and things I said. The weekends once again a blur At least this time I thought of her. The her I mean is me, myself The one who comes after everyone else.…

  • January 14th

    January 14th

    Another Monday almost gone sitting at a red light, I consider the dawn. Thoughts are spinning in my head, of things I did, and things I said. The weekends once again a blur At least this time I thought of her. The her I mean is me, myself The one who comes after everyone else.…