Month: June 2017

  • Back to midlife

    So I spent another day  hobbling around.  On the upside, I discovered stronger leg and butt muscles than I realized I had,  as I stood and sat completely without using my back muscles. Once again, everyone noticed and told me I should be at home.  I agreed, but when I said work was more relaxing…

  • When people notice 

    Today was a struggle, but at the end of it, I feel as though the world is a better place then yesterday. It started yesterday when my back decided to turn one hundred, leaving me lying on the floor by the door unable to move. I was laughing and crying, as my husband threatened me…

  • Father’s Day 

    Today is Father’s Day. A day when we celebrate our Dads, give them ties and keychains and coffee mugs or other tchotchkes made in school with patient teachers. A day that brings back great memories from childhood. My father showing me how to ride the little red bmx, knees above the handle bars with his…

  • Backyard lessons

    I watched them play today, Out in the backyard surrounded by nature. The oldest becoming a leader, showing her little brother what to do, The middle forging her own path through forbidden territory, bold and willing to risk the consequences to do things her way  The youngest trusting he wouldn’t be led astray, looking up…

  • Creation

    I think we all want to make our mark on the world. For some people, it’s about accomplishing grand things, making a lot of money, having huge buildings with their names on them Achievement means being important and recognized, famous for something. Some people will go to any lengths to do this. They’ll sell their…

  • Thursdays child

    Today was on of those days where I looked at the schedule and sighed. It was a full day, with complicated patients and multiple issues. I dreaded going in. I started it running behind, having slept through my alarm and only getting one cup of coffee in before my little howler monkey joined me, 530…

  • Puncture 

    A small hole in the fabric of life, Collagen disrupted then smoothing over, platelets aggregate and repair Like dreams, only a small needle could be the thing to release the air, escaping in a whistle like a popped balloon, Beautiful and silly as it flys through the air in a lazy loop Or it could…

  • Indecision 

    Racing through the rain as the sky opened up,  I felt a thrill from the resulting wetness seeping through my sweater. I didn’t plan for rain today, but should have expected it given the last few weeks.  I sat, drying out as I listened to the sounds of a four year old playing piano, and…

  • Nature calling

    Sometimes the noise of life causes us to retreat, Draw deep within searching for silence Space to think, to create, to become comfortable in our own skin Life moves so fast,  the pace unrelenting,  the volume overwhelming. Connected to others 24/7/365. So many numbers so many responsibilities so much splintering of attention We wonder why…

  • Dumping the vessel 

    I had a water based epiphany this morning. I can’t help but wonder if the reason Archimedes had his Eureka moment was simply because of the soothing mindlessness that accompanies water. Maybe it’s the primordial nature of it, maybe it just feels cool and calms us enough for the subconscious to thrive. Whatever the reason,…