Father’s Day 

Today is Father’s Day. A day when we celebrate our Dads, give them ties and keychains and coffee mugs or other tchotchkes made in school with patient teachers.

A day that brings back great memories from childhood.

My father showing me how to ride the little red bmx, knees above the handle bars with his 6ft2 frame on a bike meant for a six year old.

Sitting on his lap, tucked under his chin. 

Still trying to sit on his lap at twenty, reluctantly stopping after realizing it hurt him a lot more when you weigh more than 50 pounds. (He didn’t complain but the grimace gave him away)

Long car rides, conversations about life and the world. Patiently waiting his life away in the car while we dawdled at activities. 

Constant support.

A recent study showed the average dad in the fifties spent 5 minutes a day with their kids. My Dad worked away a lot growing up, and I remember our excitement when he returned. He always spent time with us, and while maybe he wasn’t around everyday, everyday he was there was important to us. 

Far more than that “average dad” statistic can encompass.

I’m so lucky to have these memories. Many people have none about their fathers, or ones that are traumatic and awful. I realize for many people Father’s Day brings back those times, and I am sorry for them.

 This day is for the Dads who earned it, not for the ones who give fatherhood a bad name.

And now I’m an adult. My Dad is still a big part of my life. I’m lucky he’s is good health and good spirits, and still can talk passionately at length about life and the world. 

And I’m even more blessed to have a  husband that will create memories with our children. Memories of daddy helping them with crafts, bandaging their booboo’s, driving them to activities and reading bedtime stories. 

So today, on Father’s Day, here’s a toast to the Dads who don’t suck, the ones that earn the title of Dad because they rock. 

We love you

Ps- this man is amazing xoxo