Tag: goal

  • Spring change

  • Lights


    In a room with a thousand light bulbs One by one They turn on The light is blinding With its simple glow When only a handful appear Will I survive A full illumination? Am I ready To brave such a clear world? With trembling, tentative steps I stand on the stage And chin held high,…

  • Darkness and light

    Darkness and light Neither exists without the night And the day to light the way Both within, Always without To cast away one Is to let in the doubt Breathe in the air Exhale the earth Sister and brothers Death after birth Endless the loop Of laughter and pain Grief and suffering Humour and gain…

  • Disquietude


    It sits on my chest purring with pleasure I’m not sure how huge it is but it feels beyond measure perhaps it’s imagination making it seem bigger each day or perhaps it’s because there’s more in my way It’s becoming a friend Although not a great one it’s bigger at bad times but also there…

  • The baby of the family

    The baby of the family

    One-third of the way through another month and things are going alright so far. The bloom not entirely off my resolutions, or goals, as I prefer to call them, I’m dressed for a run and even motivated to shoot for an increase in my distance this am. My little large-tonsiled snorer may have some say…

  • The baby of the family

    The baby of the family

    One-third of the way through another month and things are going alright so far. The bloom not entirely off my resolutions, or goals, as I prefer to call them, I’m dressed for a run and even motivated to shoot for an increase in my distance this am. My little large-tonsiled snorer may have some say…

  • Driven

    What do you believe in?  What would you fight for, die for, give everything you have for? Is it a person, place or thing, do they love you back the same? Do you wake up every day,  eager to carry on? Or do you struggle to continue,  telling yourself, “Just one more day” Does your…