Weekend away

Another day of course work, waking up panicked before my alarm went off for some unknown reason. I felt like I’d slept in, and was surprised to see I still had twenty minutes left before it would tell me to get up and start the day.

I lay there for a few minutes trying to decide whether or not I would snooze, but while tired I was firmly awake with the adrenaline from the abrupt wakening I’d just performed.

This weekend has been really great. The course not as painful this time, with great clinical pearls that I can take home and help people with. I had an awesome night out with an old friend where we talked for four whole hours about life and everything else. I freely admit much of that was me venting, but it was good. 

And the food- my god! Pan on Danforth had the best mermaid platter ever full of shrimp, chicken, mussels and calamari. The people at the table beside us got jealous and ordered their own.

I booked myself a hostel for the next time, mainly because the hidden Scottish person is still screaming at the cost of the hotel room this weekend. Not only do I feel virtuous, but I have been struck hard with the urge to travel now, and have to remind myself why I won’t do that with three car seats. Patience grasshopper! The closest I’ll get to that for awhile is downloading the app and searching for places to travel.

And my latest creative endeavour, Dragons are a girls best friend, is coming along nicely. I’ve written over 7000 words in 24 hours and I can’t wait to see where it goes.

And right now I’m sitting in a class on pulmonary disorders and I’m ready to go home again. I love going new places and seeing new and old friends, but I’m so excited for a time when I get to take my family with me. I can’t wait to show them the world and see it through their eyes.

To be continued!