The disappearing weekend

That awkward moment when you realize

that your entire weekend is gone.

Even though it was an extra day,

it disappeared as fast as the regular two day affair.

As I lay in bed pondering where my time has gone,

I realize that the one thing that I lack right now

is more time.

I wonder if I’d be able to handle it,

then remember I haven’t tried in awhile.

Time without work for more than 5 days,

or kids needing my undivided attention.

Time without deadlines

and mental work that needs to be done,

A time to lay on the couch and read,

or go for long walks

without someone calling me to ask me

to do just one more thing.

This weekend was a mix of responsibility

and relaxation

which triggered a yearning

for less of the former and more of the latter.

I really must schedule days off further in advance,

and I wonder

what two weeks off would feel like.

Maybe, just maybe,

I should try to find out this summer…