Tag: wors prompt

  • The Man Cold

    I think it’s happened to me. I started the day off with mild congestion, a tickle in my throat, nothing really.  It was enough to make me bail on exercise, but I justified it, saying I was spending time with my little dude. Then at work, I found myself clearing my throat, the scratchiness intensifying.…

  • Descent into gladness

    Today was the first time since being a parent that I’ve really had to deal with the small lord of the flies situation that will strike every parent at some point in time. Yes, I broke the seal, 6 years in. I didn’t really want to, but my almost-6-year-old has been going to a reasonable…

  • Pursue


    It started so long ago I don’t even recall the first hurdle Climb every mountain, ford every stream. The Von Trapp family took it on the road, And so did I eventually. The struggle was to outdo what I’d done before, fight a little higher, Push myself to rest a little shorter, Graduate, study, repeat,…