Tag: tired

  • Senses

    Sometimes we expect too much from ourselves.  Push too hard, relax too little. The crusty little general inside barking out more orders than wishes, Not letting you get the rest you need,  to heal your tired soul. At times like that you can  feel burdened  and overwhelmed. That is when it’s time to listen, Breathe.…

  • I love you, you’re perfect, now change

    Sometimes when I think about the day, I feel a great sigh of release. Especially on fridays, I’m full of relief that another week has been successfully navigated, with all its obligations and hours somehow fulfilled. It’s late. I’ve just returned from Stage West, a dinner theatre that we have season tickets to. We bought…

  • Rest stop

    Tuesday is tired day this week. 48 + hours into another busy week, and my energy has stalled out,  as though I forgot to fill the gas tank. I’m a cautious person, and have a tendency to fill up at half full,  unlike those brave souls that live risky and wait until the needle has been…

  • Monday night review

    Another Monday, come and gone. I’m sitting in a stupor on the couch, arm wrapped around a soft little boy, lap full of black cat.  For a brief moment, I feel calm,  the wind that howls from the constant storm inside abated. I feel grateful for how warm and happy I am,  with my loyal…

  • New arrival 

    A new day. Like any other,  except for those that come  before and after. A slight change,  by degree if not design, suddenly the world is changed, richer? One more creation in the world,  it will ascend to a place on my shelf, In my heart, Maybe touch another on its way? My paperback newborn

  • Pamper

    I very much enjoyed today. It was a beautiful Sunday, although it started out colder than I was prepared for,  so I chose to do my run inside in the treadmill. I listened to freakonomics, a podcast I just found last week, and found myself motivated to become amazing at something, anything really, as I have…

  • Age is irrelevant 

    So tired. It’s only nine o’clock, but the week has been long. In between meetings and obligations, I’m not sure how I did it all.  Saturday night now,  and I want to sleep after the day, week, month I’ve had. I remember when nine was when you started getting ready to go out on Saturday, as…

  • Mighty 

    Some days I feel so small, a tiny cog in a big wheel,  ready to crush me under  it’s uncaring weight. Alone in a group, Odd and out of place.  Not quite in step With the rest of the human race. Then I remember what happens With giant machines. They may tremble and shake the…

  • Sail away

    It’s a tired day today. Nothing wrong, no giant stressors, but tired,  weary in my bones. I’ve caught myself dreaming of a real vacation today in a way that I haven’t for awhile. It feels like the last time I was free was forever ago,  and I’m not sure how to get there anymore.  How do…

  • Frayed edges

    Today ran smoothly, except for those moments when it didn’t. Small stressors, large outbursts from tiny tots, full of the will to disobey.  Parental moods plummeting with each small tantrum and act of violence toward their sibling.  The first full nosebleed related to a head butt, appearing slightly dented but hopefully with only cartilaginous damage.…