Tag: thoughts

  • Arrival


    Emotions run wild, Like rapids in the spring Full of the rush of life And the treasure that can bring Potential full and limitless Every breath amazing Evoke the beauty of creation The fires of joy are blazing Soft and oh, so sweet An old soul again arrives Ready to shine its light On all…

  • Birthday party

    Birthday party

    My little boy and his blue blankey, quiet as he falls asleep in my lap, over full of icing and excitement from his big night. Happy birthday! He greeted as people came in, excited beyond all measure for the cake he knew was at hand, that was the only thing he truly wanted. A quick…

  • Baby boy

    Baby boy

    The middle of the second week of the year, and I’m on overdrive again. Work, writing, kids, cleaning, laundry arghhhhhhg! Today was one of those days where I got so tired, my eyes showed me visions of sleep undulate before my eyes. A day where there just wasn’t enough coffee. Somehow, my list of stuff…

  • Chill and warmth

    Chill and warmth

    The sky is so brilliant, Hazy and white. The shine of the sun, the snow so bright. The wind in January chills my bones, Makes me long for the comfort of hearth and home Golden glow, and soft warm hugs Love of a family, My cute little bugs.

  • Unexpectedly stormy

    Unexpectedly stormy

    It’s the little things. The quiet things. The things one can pass by, and never see. Until the time the quiet things become loud, Roaring for attention. They were so simple, so peaceful until neglected. Suddenly what was so quiet and calm has turned into a funnel of destruction, and one can only hold on.…

  • Almost three

    Almost three

    Wee winsome little one, Why are you so much work? Your charm masks your strong will, Your need to be the boss, Until someone else comes along, then you must have all the things, all the time. You share only on your terms, And say I love you when you’re in trouble You know just…

  • Weekly wrap up

    Weekly wrap up

    Friday. A short week that felt so long. Sad goodbyes that felt so sudden, but when looking back they were anything but. Slowly climbing out of the deep freeze, then plunging back in. Children becoming bored and rambunctious near the end of their vacation from school, Asking if they can go tomorrow. New glasses, new…

  • Heaven above

    Heaven above

    Indigo fought with the night As the clouds rose to meet them Strong and vibrant, They combined to create the sky, Viable only in unison

  • New Years intentions

    New Years intentions

    It’s the second day of the year, and I already have serious reservations about the list of “intentions” I’ve come up with for 2018. So far, it looks like I need to find about six more hours per day to accomplish my list. With that extra time, I should be able to work a solid…

  • Baggage


    Swirls and eddies Lead to strange horizons, Conversation flows within One thought leads to another, spiraling into another realm Complete, Unique. Within my own mind, I can go for hours Sorting through the boxes Packed away for another day Some, left closed, Pushed away to a corner. To be dealt with at another time, Maybe.