Tag: social media

  • The dance

    The dance

    A faded corner in a crowd A silhouette without a face I look around for clarity But return empty from the chase The winter is cold and brutal My faith lacks for strength Each day drags with exhaustion No shortage in its length Some days last forever An eternity in a glance I close my…

  • Weekly wrap up

    Weekly wrap up

    Friday. A short week that felt so long. Sad goodbyes that felt so sudden, but when looking back they were anything but. Slowly climbing out of the deep freeze, then plunging back in. Children becoming bored and rambunctious near the end of their vacation from school, Asking if they can go tomorrow. New glasses, new…

  • New Year’s Eve

    New Year’s Eve

    Finally. The last day of another year almost gone. With the most bitter cold I can remember since childhood, I made absolutely no plans to go out or do anything. It felt a little strange, as it’s always been a night where I felt like I needed to be doing something. When I was a…

  • Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi

    So I finally watched the latest Star Wars. I always like to give new movies a few weeks to cool off. I hate the press of the crowd and the feeling of claustrophobia that comes with masses of humans all jostling to get to the same end point. I wasn’t sure what to expect, given…

  • Saturday Date night

    Another Saturday bites the dust, one less of my 4000 left. ( I’d been listening to a podcast, and one of the speakers has that as their website, which gave me a sad glimpse into how many Saturday’s I have left. Not nearly enough.) So I made the most of this one. I cleaned, cooked…

  • Tech wars

    Today, I braved a world I’m deeply afraid of. I’d never wanted to relocate away from the Luddite village where I was comfortable, more at home in the world of paperbacks and handwritten letters. And it wasn’t easy. I shed real tears after spending money, partly for spending the money, partly for messing up the…

  • Nano and go!

    November 1st is a day like any other day, unless you happen to be a writer.  Aspiring or acclaimed, writers around the world join together in a common goal- to crush the inner editor, and just write. Forget about the commas and the spelling, forget that your idea has holes big enough to drive a…

  • Gord

    I was 38 years old when I heard the news. A part of my youth,  the years of discovery for my generation,  The Hip were the soundtrack to my teens and twenties. They were on every radio station, CanCon,  but actually worth it. I remember the roadside attraction mosh pit,  decking the person trying to steal…

  • Photographs

    Sometimes life is a challenge, and sometimes it’s truly amazing, and sometimes you slide into reflection accidentally.  I was on Facebook, doing what you do with Facebook when I came upon an article-  10 times your parents were cooler than you are. I looked at the pictures from the sixties, seventies and eighties. A wave…

  • Something about Mary Jane

    Today was a little different than usual. Yes, I got up early, exercised, drank a lot of coffee and went to work, but I also went to a half day conference on Marijuana in the afternoon. Now, Mary Jane, pot, mellow yellow and all the other names it goes by is currently a huge topic…