Tag: relationships

  • The dance

    The dance

    A faded corner in a crowd A silhouette without a face I look around for clarity But return empty from the chase The winter is cold and brutal My faith lacks for strength Each day drags with exhaustion No shortage in its length Some days last forever An eternity in a glance I close my…

  • The meeting

    The meeting

    Another late night Working away from home Passionate people with drive Discussing difficult topics Meetings have never been my favorite, I usually feel bogged down and slow But these ones are lively, Dominant issues and important items Each person with opinions and heart Meetings have never been my favorite But these at least, are a…

  • Burn the witch!

    Burn the witch!

    I’ve walked through today feeling guilty for some reason, like I forgot to do something. Like maybe I was tardy for an event, or stood someone up. It’s the feeling I’ve gotten in the past when I know that I’ve let someone down, but for the life of me, I can’t think of a single…

  • Ten months

    Ten months

    I just got a notification from bluehost, the company that owns my domain for thoughtsalad, reminding me that it was due for renewal in less than 60 days. When I first signed up to write my blog, it was as a personal challenge. I wanted to unload from the sometimes emotionally exhausting work that I…

  • The negotiation

    The negotiation

    I watch as my child negotiates One more pop-cle Just one Pleeeeeeeease daddy? Eyes as big as the sun, He stares sadly at it While daddy eats. He’s already had two, But that’s not enough. More sugar, Pleeeeeeease He’ll fine every excuse, Every loophole Any emotional blackmail he can Just three, but born knowing how…

  • The love of reading

    The love of reading

    We read almost every night. Part of it is for their school work, part of it is to pass down what I remember from when I was a child. Every night, we would lay in bed and have a night time story read to us. It sparked my curiosity for the world around me in…

  • The entertainer

    The entertainer

    Another day after a bad sleep. The little man in my life is getting worse not better. He seems to either be having separation anxiety or more likely, has discovered that mom and dad have a nice, soft bed that is nicer than his. So yawning my way through, we accomplished the day. I managed…

  • The big picture

    The big picture

    Everything changes but stays exactly the same. A constant repetition of days, variations on a theme. I think of composers who brilliantly altered the tune just enough to make the ear confused, but soothe it at the moment of distress. Nothing is static, life changes eternally. A loop of circumstances, circle of events. Dirt isn’t…

  • Arrival


    Emotions run wild, Like rapids in the spring Full of the rush of life And the treasure that can bring Potential full and limitless Every breath amazing Evoke the beauty of creation The fires of joy are blazing Soft and oh, so sweet An old soul again arrives Ready to shine its light On all…

  • Birthday party

    Birthday party

    My little boy and his blue blankey, quiet as he falls asleep in my lap, over full of icing and excitement from his big night. Happy birthday! He greeted as people came in, excited beyond all measure for the cake he knew was at hand, that was the only thing he truly wanted. A quick…