Tag: prose

  • The Centre of the Universe

    I watch my little one, So sure of his importance, He’s genuinely confused  when he doesn’t get his way, Disbelief filling his face  when he hears a solid no. My little planet,  thinking he’s a sun,  everything should revolve around him. He’s starting to realize  life isn’t what he thinks it should be, a hard…

  • Mighty 

    Some days I feel so small, a tiny cog in a big wheel,  ready to crush me under  it’s uncaring weight. Alone in a group, Odd and out of place.  Not quite in step With the rest of the human race. Then I remember what happens With giant machines. They may tremble and shake the…

  • The Pest

    Sometimes it’s frustrating to have a sibling And by sometimes, I mean almost always The pick, they push, they nag, they whine Getting closer to the last nerve, all of the time They always want the same things, never share Never give the first turn, never want to do my game I don’t even know…

  • Nostalgia 

    Today I went through my hope chest with a purpose. An idea had been percolating, brewing in intensity for awhile.  A beautiful cedar box, made by my Grandmothers brother for my high school graduation present, over twenty years ago. It’s seen some hard times. Moving from my parents house, to my apartment in Winnipeg, to…