Tag: living the dream

  • Love…

  • Family and friends

    Family and friends

    It’s a later night than what I usually have but I’m wide awake, thinking about the day. Possibly some of that is due to the coffee I partook in, along with the decadent Nanaimo squares, but I think it is more due to how full my heart is (and yes, okay, my stomach too!) I…

  • Precipice of night

  • Hands


    Hands Guiding, shaping holding on, letting go supportive, frail My hands stretch out sometimes to catch, sometimes to wave goodbye, watching the soul take flight into the huge, never ending sky. Veins of my grandmother, who I loved very much I would play with them as a child, fascinated by the way they would wiggle…

  • July 1st 2019

    July 1st 2019

    Another summer is finally here And with it the smell of campfire My children shriek As they run around Gangs of kids on bikes In twos, and threes, and fours They play until the sun falls behind the water if we would only allow it And grumble at bedtime Even though it’s hours after their…

  • Monday the fourth

    Monday the fourth

    Another Monday morning rush; little hands, little faces, so many little things to do. I packed the night before, hoping it would help us arrive sooner at the door. In a way, it did, or would have except of course I forgot that Monday itself would likely continue to be busy. Although the lunches were…

  • Living the dream

    Living the dream

    I’m right in the inchoate stage of a novel at the moment. It’s occupying my every thought while I’m driving, or watching tv. It occupies every second when I’m not actively thinking or doing something else. I wish I had more time that I could devote to getting my words on paper. That I could…

  • Living the dream

    Excitement bubbled under the surface all day. Knowing that tomorrow I’ve achieved something I never thought I would has given me such an incredible feeling,  it was all I could do not to succumb to a state of anxiety and joy and just sit in a corner and wait. I continued with my everyday life…