Tag: life

  • The seven year itch

    I remember growing up how limited television was. We had three channels, four if you included the French one, which somehow we never did.  I used to love the movies that came on during Sunday afternoons. I think they were on CBC, and they stuck with me. They were foreign lands in black and white, …

  • Slippery thinking

    Some days my mind is too small for all my thoughts, Struggling to hold them inside such a small box I try to grab hold of them, but they wriggle away, Like a hand full of minnows who just want to play The moment I capture one, it smiles and gives me a wink Then…

  • Grabbing The Brass Ring 

    Today is the day! I’m feeling motivated, ready to begin, and even like I may sit down and try to organize myself.  To do what you may ask? To live my dream, that’s what I’ll be totally honest- I’m already living the dream. I love my kids, my husband, family and friends, and my job…

  • Slow day

    Work moved slow today. Maybe it was the weather, or a confluence of some other events, but I had almost two hours worth of dead time.  Patients cancelled last minute, or just neglected to attend, leaving me with ample time to think. With all the news about politics and finances and change right now,  I’ve…

  • The spice of life

    I’m trying to remember the last time I did anything spicy,  And falling flat.  I have a warm and comfortable life, and I wouldn’t change a minute of it. But the word prompt today is spicy, and I’m completely stumped.  The last time I ate something crazy? Danced under the stars? Jumped off something high,…

  • I’m with the band

    So, turns out I’m dating a drummer. Yup, I was pretty surprised too, but I’m starting to get it. At first, I thought it was weird when a set of drums showed up in my basement, but I hardly go down there, so I wasn’t overly bothered  The next thing I knew, I was listening…

  • A date with my daughter 

    I woke to the noise of my child.  The youngest is always up first, and was so happy to see me he launched himself into my arms. Within minutes, the other two came downstairs, waiting for the signal, which was likely noise of any kind.  We sat on the couch, all three taking turns talking…

  • Breathe

    I’m so tired today.  It feels like the air has been squeezed out of my chest, leaving behind a sensation of breathlessness as I start my morning exercise The country road I walk down is peaceful, coated with new gravel, flecked with the shimmer of granite. I remember how precious they seemed to me as…

  • Seasons

    August long weekend. And this year, it does feel that way.  The mornings are getting cooler, and the leaves are starting to change, ready for the fall which feels like it’s just around the corner now. I’m back home now, the place I grew up, the first place I remember. Today was spent with family,…

  • Both of Me

    Friday. A day that many weekday workers rejoice at, pray for, and anticipate all week long. I have become one of them since having babies 6 years ago. Before that, I knew the joy of 32 day weeks, 144 hour days, and months in a row without vacation. This is a much better speed of…