Tag: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/cranky/

  • The thief Of Sleep

    The thief Of Sleep

    I’m tired today. The kind of tired that happens after listening to your little one cough in your ear all night. When you wake up multiple times, checking to see if they’re okay, hoping they don’t throw up- again- from coughing. The kind of tired that happens when you decide things are going really well,…

  • Body and Soul

    I’ve had a little time to think about what health means to me,  spending my entire day hip deep trying to stay above the water line when it comes to treading through other peoples issues. I feel that physical health receives so much focus in our society. Our health system has specialists and sub specialists galore. One who…

  • Easter egg hunt

    They lined up against the fence, Gazes fixed, glares intense Battle fever glowed in their stance, Even though a few tripped on their pants Ready, set, GO!!! A wild cry erupted Screams all around, kids interrupted Cranky and tearful without the prize Tears flowed like a river from her eyes Yes, this is how I…