Tag: Dream

  • Hands


    Hands Guiding, shaping holding on, letting go supportive, frail My hands stretch out sometimes to catch, sometimes to wave goodbye, watching the soul take flight into the huge, never ending sky. Veins of my grandmother, who I loved very much I would play with them as a child, fascinated by the way they would wiggle…

  • Disquietude


    It sits on my chest purring with pleasure I’m not sure how huge it is but it feels beyond measure perhaps it’s imagination making it seem bigger each day or perhaps it’s because there’s more in my way It’s becoming a friend Although not a great one it’s bigger at bad times but also there…

  • Driven

    What do you believe in?  What would you fight for, die for, give everything you have for? Is it a person, place or thing, do they love you back the same? Do you wake up every day,  eager to carry on? Or do you struggle to continue,  telling yourself, “Just one more day” Does your…

  • Night epiphany 

    I dreamed I was flying the other night,Across the land,  Soaring like an eagle The wind was sweet against my face,  The sun warm against my back Icarus in flight,  But a successful caper this time, Not falling to earth in tragedy When I woke, flightless and sore I sorrowed for the lost night Full…