Sugar free September 

I haven’t slept well this week.

I’ve got too much going on upstairs. I’m not sure if a squirrel got into to my cerebral cortex, but it’s been non-stop chatter in there for days now.

Between family, opening a new business, and trying to be creative while still meeting all my obligations, 

it’s no wonder that I’ve been catching myself comfort eating a little more often than usual. 

The biggest problem with comfort eating for me is that it leads to a lack of sleeping, 

as my stomach doesn’t enjoy the same foods as my mouth, and loudly complains around midnight.  

This is part of the reason why I’m doing Sugar-free September. 

Well, attempting to do it. Today’s the second and I’m pretty sure the icing sugar on the stollen I found in the freezer counts as sugar. 

And yesterday’s m&m’s probably had a little, come to think of it. 

The forecast also has a strong possibility of icing, as September has a few birthdays. 

Icing is my crack. I have been known to drive people to their house to get me some. I’m not proud, but I’m working on it.

Never the less, I shall continue with my quest to better myself. I may not do very well, but with everything that’s going on around us, I think trying to remember not to eat everything around me is a pretty good start.

Wish me the strength of a thousand yogis, the single-mindedness of a herd of four year olds, and the patience of my dad waiting for my mother shoe shopping.

I can do it!