Sick tummy Tuesday

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you-

there’s absolutely nothing compared to the feeling

of having a nice,

silent cup of coffee

first thing in the morning.

Especially when that peace and quiet is broken by the unmistakable sound of a toddler throwing up on the carpeted stairs on their way to destroy your morning.

Needless to say, I did not get my daily exercise in,

and my watch is telling me I burned almost no calories today.

When kid number two began to vomit, I knew that my evening plans were officially cancelled as well.

So, instead of three kids going to dayhome and the forth going with daddy for a mall date, 3/4 kids stayed at home and felt gross watching tv while dad played on his phone and made me pretty new pictures.

I went to work, because, business as usual.

When I got a few more texts close to 5 pm saying kid xx had vomited again, I made supper at the drive through on the way home.

After all, I’m sure the calories won’t count when I get it next.

To be continued?

I sure hope not