My Canada

Today is the anniversary of the foundation of my country, but not it’s birthday.My Canada was born in a massive event of the geographical sort. 

I wasn’t there, 

but so I’ve been told.

Once upon a time, Pangaea was all there was,

 slumbering in an endless ocean. 

It yawned, stretched, and the land heaved apart, 

splitting into two. 

Laurasia and Gondwanaland lived peacefully for awhile, before they too, 

split and seperated, 

and grew apart

After millions of years and further geographical events, 

North America settled into existence, and slept.

In time,

 the land grew fertile, green, and teemed with life in all its variations. 

A curious creature crept slowly across, learning to understand the earth as it went. 

Growing in wisdom, 

they settled into patterns that suited them,

 living with the land.

They roamed free, 

worshipping the beauty and the strength of the land, 

using it sustainably,

 travelling with the seasons or settling where and when they wished. 

For many years, a balance was struck.

And then things changed 


in the blink of the land’s history. 

Not even yesterday, only a short minute ago.

New men came, conquered. Destroyed and rebuilt in their images, 

the land. 

Causing great sorrow, although mostly superficial for the land that still abides, 


Men created more laws, and borders, and rules and stories, 

As men always do to make sense of their world.

We live today in this place of plenty, still rich and alive,

 teeming with all of life’s variety. 

We are all passengers on this green space, 

and as such it is up to us to ensure we are respectful.

My Canada is more than just 150. 

My Canada is billions of years ago,

And will be here long after I’m gone. 

I thank everyone who has come before me, who has made this country the place that suits me and my family so perfectly.

I say a prayer for those who came before that suffered for my privldeges,

and sorrow for those who lost along the way.

I shall teach my children the stories of the land,

To appreciate nature, 

which is so much more vast and powerful than humans realize

I shall teach them to value all the cultures that coexist here, sometimes uneasily.

I shall teach them to judge those by their actions and their deeds, 

not by the history of others, 

lest they be judged in return for things beyond their control.

I shall teach them to respect all life, as in the end,

 we all share that in common. 

I am proud to be Canadian,

and I shall teach them all the reasons why.