Mommy guilt

Why does everything take longer than you think it will?

Last minute packing always extends past the slated hour into another place altogether, where you begin to get nervous about not getting everything done.

And then miraculously, it’s finished.

Just in time to worry about what everyone will do without me. I know, logically, that my world will keep spinning if I go away for a few days,

But still I worry.

Will the kids miss me too much? What about work? Will everything continue without me? Will the kids have their needs met while I’m away?

I know the answer to everything is yes, things will be fine.

But still, every trip away is a little piece of my soul left behind. I never had that problem before having my own family, never worried so much about every day responsibilities before.

On the eve of a fantastic (I hope) weekend conference where I’m sure to learn and laugh and catch up with old and new friends, mommy guilt has reared it’s unshowered head.

This break’s for you, mommy guilt. Time to take a nap.