Manic Monday?

Today started out with a bang- literally.

I’m pretty sure the sound of me hitting the floor after missing the last few steps was loud enough to qualify.

And of course, this was after waking up an hour earlier than normal, after an alarm clock on a long weekend Monday broke into my dreams.

The worst part was that I was carrying my son at the time, so I did that thing every single mother does- I somehow twisted like a cat in the air, while falling at an incredible speed (or so it seemed)

And I kept him from hitting the ground at all.

This of course means I landed on the hardwood floor (it really IS hard) on both kneecaps and then rolled onto my right (left is my carrying side)

I was pretty sure I was broken at the time but miraculously I was able to get up, knees already purple. My dude cried but stopped as soon as daddy got me ice packs, thinking it was fascinating to see mommy with boo-boos.

Today’s coffee was brought to you by the letters I,C and E and the number 2 (kneecaps)

After making a list, I spent the entire day buzzing around the house and putting it to rights after moving the kids.

All told, I threw out 3 bags of garbage and packed up 3 bags of stuffed animals as well as hard toys to bring to work. I got them down to 4 toy boxes total, which is a miracle.

Then I set up my office. I got excited as I tidied, envisioning writing at my desk, or maybe getting a couch to do that on instead.

By the end of the day though, my body ached as though I’d been in a car crash, which wasn’t far off.

I was immediately thrown back to a memory from 20 years ago at the bar, where I’d done the same thing, only it was skidding across the dance floor carrying drinks instead of a toddler.

I didn’t spill then, either.

It’s amazing how we protect what’s valuable to us,

and even more amazing how much the definition of that changes throughout life.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be a bit less sore, but I know I have at least made my family more comfortable with my work today.