Long weekend blues

The first long weekend

of the summer season is finally here.

I’m feeling the weight of responsibility

like a lodestone around my neck.

Too many goodbyes this week,

too many sorrowful surprises.

My well is dry

and needs a chance to be replenished,

but alas, it’s not yet my chance.

I’m on call until next Friday,

with a conference on Saturday

to round out my work load.

I’ve brought my family with me,

in the hope that I’ll have a chance

to enjoy the mountains and some sunshine,

but now I’m worried about cell reception.

Sometimes I wonder

what it would be like not to expect a phone call

in the middle of the night from people you’ve never met, but it will be years

until I get a chance to find out.

I’ve been on call for only 3 hours,

but have already had two calls,

which doesn’t bode well for a full nights sleep…

It’s my fervent wish

for a glorious long weekend

to have an opportunity to take the kids for a hike,

play in the water,

and enjoy being alive.

I feel the need to celebrate life and living

after a long winter,

witnessing far too many old souls

passing into the great beyond.

Life is for the living.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned

from all the things I’ve seen,

it’s to never waste the time you’re given.

Because you never know when tomorrow

will be your last day.

Live, love, laugh.

One day at a time.