Jolt of Sun

Sunshine jolts me awake while I sit, stuck on my computer doing the paperwork side of my job. I’ve decided to cut back on caffeine due to how tired I’ve been recently, and I think it may be working.

It’s either that or the sun streaming though the window I sit next to,

enjoying it like a cat basking on a ledge.

Reluctantly I drag myself away, grateful for the small moments where I can take a deep breath and feel my tension release,

into the wide blue sky to be burnt away by the sun.

I remember being ten waiting at the end of the lane for the bus with my brother, composing songs that were unabashedly bad while he created countries in the mud, and one of my creations comes to mind;

Thank you Lord for this day,

It is good, and I pray

Please do Lord send more like these,

thanks and please,


My memories make me smile, and I’m so grateful to have them to look back on.  I hope I never take them for granted, as too often I watch as they disappear into the past, unreachable,

leaving only a blank slate behind for family to mourn.

Today though, I shall sit in the sun and purr.

Tomorrow is another country,

ruled by a master I will never meet