Grey day, watercolour memories

Another weekend- and month- have almost gone. Today decided to be more March in weather than yesterday’s July, which was a temporary step back in my mood, as well.

But we carried on, through the rain and freezing drizzle as we drove to the mountains for another watersliding adventure.

Without even a tantrum all day, the children dove into their usual water fun zone with squeals and glee.

We watched from the adult safety zone, aka the hot tub, and I marveled at how much more comfortable they’ve become with the short trips we’ve taken over the winter.

Without lessons or instructions, suddenly my three year old is backfloating and jumping in, then dog paddling back to the edges the pool, so that he can roll out and repeat the activity ad nauseum.

As per the usual routine, we followed up our water fun with happy meals to go, driving back through the same grey day that convinced us to have an indoor activity day in the first place.

It may be Monday tomorrow, but this weekend will linger in my memory, soft brushstrokes of brightness until the next one, where I’ll gratefully spend my time enjoying the giggles of childhood happiness .