
Today’s word is gratitude. It’s funny, because I think about this concept often. 

I’d like to say I think about being grateful everyday, but I’m far from a saint. 

Some days I feel bitter and evil inside, and wish people would just go away and leave me alone. In fact, I still sometimes feel like I’m twelve, and have to choke back the tears or anger. 

Some days I feel jealous and insecure, positive everyone knows I’m faking everything, that I’m an imposter in my own life, and if they only knew they would be so disappointed.

But today wasn’t one of those days. Maybe because they deliver the word at 6 am, so I had the day to think about gratitude, or maybe because it was a Sunday, a day of reflection and review.

I can’t believe everything that’s passed since I started writing down my thoughts at the end of the day.

I’ve watched two of my kids go to school, opened a new practice with some friends, published a book, finished my diploma in geriatrics, visited family, said goodbye.

The last six months haven’t all been roses by any means, but they have been a rich tapestry of events, of heartbreak and joy, love and loss. 

I can’t believe how lucky I am that my good outweighs the bad, that my positive thoughts outweigh the negative, 

and I am grateful. 

We may not have it all, but boy, do we have enough.