
Friday is the crescendo of the week for the average worker bee, 

who has the 9-5,

Monday to Friday gig.

While not every worker has this luxury, 

it has a thrill for the average person.

Dating back to our formative years from k to 12, 

we grow up looking forward to our ‘days off’, whatever that means.

As adults, 

Friday is the day we struggle to make it to all week. 

Saturday and Sunday are great, but reminders our time is slipping away, 

and Monday is the day many dread. 

Today is Friday

I’m overpowered by a brief surge of excitement, 

until I remember 

I have children and work that’s never done.

I pack my excitement away, reminding myself someday, 

the kids will be grown,

and everyday will be a Friday in retirement,

leaving me with an endless supply of weekends that may feel like work,

Although I’m willing to find out