Fall cleaning

Day two of the adventure to declutter and transfer kid belongings went reasonably well.

For starters, I was not puked on, which automatically made today a good day. I did get a little overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things that needed attending to, but somehow, excitement crept in.

I realized that in order to put my desk and office back together, I actually have a chance to get rid of stuff. This may seem daunting, and it is, but at the same time, purging things from my house that I don’t use is remarkably freeing.

It’s as if for each bag of stuff that leaves my house, I gain that amount of space back in my brain.

While I may not get to my things right away, as the kids toys need dealing with first (So. Many. Toys!) I know that when I do, I’ll feel so much better.

It may not be spring, but the fall beeezes are doing just as good a job at clearing out the cobwebs this year and I’m looking forward to my new space, where I can read, write, and relax.