August 31st

Another milestone, left behind in my rear view mirror.

I watched as it passed without fanfare or excitement, 

Another day in a string of days, the last day of another month.

I dressed with the weight of change on my shoulders, pressing down slightly, asking if I knew what I was doing.

I brushed it to the side, putting on my armour to enter into the fray of an ordinary Thursday.

But, it isn’t, and wasn’t ordinary 

at all. 

For maybe the last time, I embarked on a journey to be independent,

An adult.

To make my own decisions and face the consequences, good or bad.

After twenty five years of work, I truly feel like an adult.

I’ve dreamed halfheartedly about it before, but couldn’t quite make the leap.

At four pm today,


Nothing but net.

I want to memorize this moment, 

the exhilaration and fear,

Embarking on a journey with friends to do what we all love.

The weight is gone, lifted by wings of hope.

Let the journey begin