Approach to the finish line

The days are starting to draw closer to the Calgary marathon. I’ve been getting weekly emails, reminding me of pick up time, sponsors, etc, etc.

I was very gung-ho and excited about doing this until about mid-march when I swear, the wheels just fell right off the wagon.

I was tired, exhausted, and went from being able to run the total distance required (on the treadmill, but still) to half of that. Not because of injury, but because I was So.Tired.

And now the final two weeks are looming and for the first time in my life I’m considering bailing out on something I paid for. But the idea is so awful and against the grain that I’m having a really hard time. The whole point of this event was to improve my half marathon time this year, since last year was a sleep deprived debacle after having a kid in my bed post tonsillectomy. I finished, but not well.

This year was going to be the year I broke 2 hours. I was really pumped in March, with two months to practice the distance and maybe even do some hills or speed training. But then the fatigue thing happened, and yup, wheels off, on the side of the road like an old dead Ford. 

Today, motivated by a rare sunshine attack and warm-ish morning I went for a run outside, and managed to do a solid 10 miles (16 km) without too much pain. 

So now I’m stuck again, two weeks from the big day, and think I’ll likely just get it over with. I’ll work on speed next time I guess. But darn it, I paid for this one and I can’t just not show up because I’m slow. I’ve never let that stop me get to the end. After all, the turtle did pretty well against worse odds!